First, we wanted to investigate the strength of Hang Ten in consumers’ memories to find out if Hang Ten was a brand that would come to mind in various situations and the ease with which it does given different cues. We asked our survey respondents a series of questions that covered Indirect and Direct Recognition, and Unaided and Aided Recall.
“Identify the brands of each logo.”
“Fill in the missing letters to identify the brands.”
“Write down any brand names that come to your mind.”
“When you think of casual clothing, write down the brand names that come to your mind.”
Hang Ten performs relatively high in terms of recognition. Consumers recognize the iconic two-feet logo and most are able to identify the brand name even with missing letters. It is clear that the recognizable brand name and logo will play an important and redefining role in Hang Ten’s future marketing and communications. We turn to Recall to further explore consumers’ cue retrieval.
Respondents were required to retrieve Hang Ten brand elements from memory. This proved to be a more demanding task for them, as Hang Ten did not appear in unaided recall. However, when cued with the product category, “casual clothing”, Hang Ten was Top-of-Mind 3 times and Top 3 recall 11 times out of 40 responses, making it the second highest recalled brand behind Giordano.
Hence, the association that respondents have from product attribute cue “casual clothing” with Hang Ten is relatively strong. Overall, Hang Ten is performing relatively well on awareness breadth but could improve in depth.
Well, When setting up an online business, the same amount of attention and effort should get placed into branding an online firm as you would invest in a traditional, brick & mortar shop. Branding is a combination of appearance, and one can get this by digital marketing services in Kolkata.Make a set of unchangeable guidelines to manage your company. Also, keep in mind that you are your brand's reputation and I have read another blog " Which Actions can Kill Your Brand Name Online ". This blog also have important information.